Telesto Group uses its SAP powered solutions to provide much needed visibility to critical passenger and cargo movement across a multi-modal network including air, land, and sea. Often there are multiple stakeholders from varying organizations involved in each move. Telesto Group provides the technology and processes needed to manage this movement in an efficient and informative way.

Telesto Group brings disparate carriers and modes together to improve the customer’s cost-effective visibility to the services being provided both by internal partners and those external to their organization. We successfully handle the integration challenges to achieve an end-to-end view of movement requirements, available capacity, and related financial transactions. This allows for a transparent, fully auditable trace of every movement.

Changing how an organization manages its transportation isn’t just a technology initiative. Process and organizational changes are also necessary to achieve the optimal client solution. Telesto Group’s background in decades of addressing people, process, and technology provides the proven methodology to bring about the needed change.

SAP Powered Solutions for Multi-Modal Visibility


SAP Powered SaaS for Transportation Management